Sesen is the Ancient Egyptian name for the Blue Lotus. It represents the power of the sun, creation, rebirth and regeneration. In South Africa, it means to Wish For More.


To reinstate harmony between the masculine and feminine energies on Earth.


To co-create a network of temples that foster a direct channel to the Divine Mother & Gaia. Spaces for collective healing, harmonization, prayers, initiations and activations awakening all to their highest destiny and remembrance. To be an anchor for the Divine Feminine Energy on the planet.


Sesen in its essence is an experience to be had. Through presence with the “Goddess”, we create spaces to connect with Source to receive healing, and to access information from higher dimensions.

The Sesen Experience is an immersive and artistically curated experience to unite with Source. Our containers are created using ritual, meditation, channelled vocals, soundscapes, elemental connection, offerings, plant wisdom, beauty, conscious relating and theatre arts. No one experience is the same, as every subtle energy such as each person present, and the transit of the stars will inevitably shift the entire experience. 

We create containers that allow you to experience the most subtle of energies, awakening an awareness that will inevitably allow you to see things that will change the way you live your life.