Embodying the Lotus: Ancient Wisdom & Plant Consciousness for our Renewal
Therese Lowton Therese Lowton

Embodying the Lotus: Ancient Wisdom & Plant Consciousness for our Renewal

In the ancient lands of Kemet, the blue lotus was more than just a flower; it was a symbol of renewal, a reminder that life’s true beauty often emerges from the depths. The Nile’s sacred waters, nurturing this delicate bloom, taught us that growth and transformation are not linear—they arise from the very soil of our challenges, inviting us to rise and unfold.

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The 888 Lions Gate Portal: A Gateway to Abundance and Transformation
Therese Lowton Therese Lowton

The 888 Lions Gate Portal: A Gateway to Abundance and Transformation

Welcome to the Lions Gate Portal of 2024! This year’s portal is exceptionally powerful, as it aligns with the energies of the number 8, making it the 888 portal—a number synonymous with abundance and infinite possibilities. Let's delve into the cosmic significance of this event and explore how you can harness its potent energies for transformation and growth.

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Creating Sacred Spaces: The Art and Technology of Altars
Therese Lowton Therese Lowton

Creating Sacred Spaces: The Art and Technology of Altars

Altars have been integral to spiritual practices across various cultures and religions for millennia. Serving as sacred spaces for meditation, worship, and connection with the divine, altars are more than just physical constructs; they are spiritual technologies that help bridge the gap between the earthly and the divine.

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The Power of Sound Healing: Bridging Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science
Therese Lowton Therese Lowton

The Power of Sound Healing: Bridging Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science

Sound healing is an ancient practice that has found its way into modern wellness, connecting us with timeless wisdom and cutting-edge science. From the sacred chants of indigenous cultures to the sophisticated theories of cymatics, sound healing offers profound insights into the nature of the universe and our place within it. Let’s explore the roots, techniques, and transformative potential of sound healing, drawing from the teachings of the Hathors, the practice of Nada Yoga, and the legacy of ancient civilizations like Egypt.

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Exploring the Energetic Portals: 7/7, 8/8, 9/9, 10/10, 11/11, and 12/12
Therese Lowton Therese Lowton

Exploring the Energetic Portals: 7/7, 8/8, 9/9, 10/10, 11/11, and 12/12

In the realm of metaphysics and spiritual awakening, certain dates each year are believed to serve as energetic portals, amplifying spiritual growth and personal transformation. These dates—7/7, 8/8, 9/9, 10/10, 11/11, and 12/12—are revered for their unique vibrations and cosmic alignments. In 2024, these portals hold even greater significance, offering profound opportunities for ascension and alignment with higher consciousness. Let’s delve into the astrological influence of these dates, their connection to ancient Khemet (Egypt), and how to harness their energies.

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Embracing the Post-Solstice Energies: A Gateway to Transformation
Therese Lowton Therese Lowton

Embracing the Post-Solstice Energies: A Gateway to Transformation

The recent solstice marked a powerful threshold—a moment of profound transformation and renewal. As we move forward from this pivotal point in the celestial dance, where the sun reached its highest or lowest point in the sky, we carry with us the energies of rebirth and regeneration. At Sesen Temple, we honor this sacred time by attuning to the divine feminine energies and aligning with the astrological influences that continue to shape our journey.

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