Your opportunity to tune in with our team’s oracle offerings from home.


An Akashic Records reading is a profound journey into the soul's archive, where the vibrational imprints of every experience are stored. Guided by a practitioner, individuals access deep insights, clarity, and healing. This sacred exploration illuminates purpose, fosters growth, and awakens spiritual awareness, offering a transformative pathway to alignment and fulfillment.

  • Open the records, receive messages, ask questions, and receive healing

  • For deeper, more profound results, book a series of sessions that will resolve layers of your souls journey throughout time

  • Discover how to open the records and navigate yourself with expert guidane


Frequency attunement healing harnesses sound & intentional thought vibrations to harmonize body, mind, and spirit. Working with frequencies, we can clear blockages and restore balance, promoting relaxation and releasing stored tension. This therapy enhances well-being and inner harmony, leaving clients feeling rejuvenated and aligned.

This works on the quantum level and is proven to be very affective when done remotely.

  • A single session will clear your energy bodies and restore harmony in the body, mind & soul.

  • Each time you work with sound, the results will be deeper and the body can crystalize into a more permanaent harmonic state

  • Learn about sound healing, how to practce on yourself, & how to practice on others


Breathwork involves conscious control of breathing to regulate the nervous system. Through intentional techniques, it activates relaxation responses, reducing stress and tension. This practice promotes emotional resilience, mental clarity, and inner peace, offering a transformative tool for self-healing and personal growth.

  • Be guided on a healing journey and learn techniques you can try by yourself

  • Dive deep into breathwork, and be guided through other practices to help with nervous system regulation

  • Let us build a custom ongoing program tailored to your needs