Sesen Temple : Guiding Principles

At Sesen Temple, we draw inspiration from the sacred blue lotus, a symbol of resilience, beauty, and spiritual growth. These guiding principles serve as a foundation for our community, reflecting our commitment to personal transformation and collective harmony. Just as the lotus rises from the depths of the Nile, we embrace the challenges of life as essential to our journey. Each principle invites us to delve deeper into our inner wisdom, honor our connections, and live in a way that nurtures both ourselves and the world around us.

Join us as we explore these principles, fostering a vibrant community rooted in love, respect, and unity. Together, we can embody the essence of the blue lotus and navigate the path of growth and transformation.

1. No Mud, No Lotus.

Like the sacred lotus rising from the depths of the Nile, we embrace the mud—the challenges and shadows—as essential to our growth. It is through this journey that we find our true strength and beauty, transforming adversity into nourishment for the soul.

2. The Divine Spark Within.

We do not seek external gurus or dogma but turn inward, recognizing that true wisdom and guidance bloom from the divine spark within our hearts. Trusting our intuition and the spirit that guides us with the creator.

3. Honoring the Masters of Craft.

Just as the ancient priests of the Nile cared for the sacred waters, we honor those who have mastered their craft through devotion and humility. The masters guide us not as exalted beings but as fellow seekers, sharing their knowledge with grace and integrity.

4. Harmony in All Things.

We are like the lotus, balanced between earth and sky, embodying the principles of cosmic order, truth and balance. In our lives, we seek to harmonize and integrate all aspects of polarity—light and shadow, masculine and feminine—knowing that true peace is found in equilibrium. 

5. Sacred Reciprocity.

In the spirit of Ayni, we practice sacred reciprocity, giving and receiving in balance with the world around us. Like the Nile nourishing the lotus, we take only what we need and give back in ways that enrich the Earth and our communities.

6. Presence in Every Moment.

With each dawn, the lotus opens to the sun, fully present in the moment. We too embrace the power of presence, grounding ourselves in the here and now, where life’s true essence unfolds. Trusting each step and having faith in this now moment and each choice we make.

7. Unity in Diversity.

The Nile is home to countless forms of life, each contributing to the ecosystem’s richness. We celebrate the diversity of our community, knowing that our differences are the threads that weave the fabric of collective strength and unity.

8. Regenerative Living.

Like the lotus that renews itself each day, we are committed to living in a way that regenerates and revitalizes the Earth. As regeneration is the process of renewal or growth after damage or loss, seen in nature and living organisms it signifies a rebirth or transformation, where one releases old patterns and embraces a more authentic, healed self for personal and spiritual growth. This leads us to  draw only what we need, and in return, we give back in ways that restore and enhance the natural world. Our actions are guided by the principle that true sustainability goes beyond preservation—it is about actively healing and replenishing the planet, ensuring that life continues to flourish for generations to come.

9. Integration and Reflection.

As the lotus closes its petals each night, we turn inward to reflect and integrate our experiences. We honor the cycles of life by taking time to ground ourselves, process our journeys, and stay connected to the sacred essence of Sesen.

10. Wisdom of the Body.

The body, like the lotus, holds ancient wisdom within. We listen to the signs from our physical and spiritual selves, using purification practices passed down by wisdom keepers to align our bodies with the rhythms of nature and spirit.

11. Guardians of the Sacred.

As the lotus guards its purity, we too are guardians of the sacred—whether it be the Earth, our traditions, or the spaces we hold. We protect and honor what is sacred, understanding that we are stewards of something greater than ourselves.

12. Continuity Through Change.

The lotus blooms anew each day, yet its essence remains unchanged. We embrace change as a constant in our lives, knowing that while circumstances evolve, the core of who we are—our values, our community—remains steadfast and true.

13. The Eternal Journey.

Like the endless cycle of the sun and the moon, our soul is eternal. We are ever-evolving, continually seeking growth, knowledge, and connection. This journey is not a destination but a path that we walk together, forever guided by the divine creator.


Embodying the Lotus: Ancient Wisdom & Plant Consciousness for our Renewal