Exploring the Nexus of Hermetic Wisdom, Planetary Alignment, & Earth's Energies


Welcome beloveds, to the launch of the Sesen Temple blog. As we tune into our journey manifesting this cosmic seed that arrived one year ago, we decided to start by diving into the intricate connections between Hermetic principles, planetary alignment, and the grounded energies of our Earth.

As we start to consider how to set up our internal structures, we are diving into a world of Ancient Wisdom and Hermetic principles. To manifest in a grounded way, we are being guided to balance out polarities: ancient wisdom and cosmic download, knowledge and intuition, masculine and feminine, past and future, as we explore how to crystalise the consciousness of Sesen in the vast cosmic dance that shapes our reality.

Unlocking the Mysteries of Planetary Influence, Hermetic Principles and Earth's Energetics

In our quest for aligning to our highest timeline, we are opening a portal not only working with, but grounding our foundations into Hermetic Law, tuning in with the same principles of mysticism that governed our beloved Kemet (Ancient Egypt). Hermeticism offers us a lens through which to perceive the subtle interplay between the celestial and earthly realms.

We have learned that to ground our cosmic seed into the Earth, we must go through an alchemical process that connects with the elementals. This is where we became fascinated with Enki Apothecary in Australia and decided to align with not only their products (see our store) but also their philosophy, which is rooted in ancient awareness.

Alchemy of Earth: Transmuting Energy into Manifested Reality

As we navigate the labyrinth of understanding the cosmos, we are able to tune into this sacred art of alchemy and the process of transforming subtle energy into manifested reality. We have discoverd the potency of aligning our creative endeavors with the natural rhythms of both the stars, planetary alignments, and the Earth. By harmonizing with the cycles, seasons, and the Earth's energy grid, we are able to engage in a subtle alchemical dance, guiding our intentions toward fruition with grace and purpose.

One of the most simple ways that we have done this is by choosing to run our community circle calls on the New Moon. This is an intentional decision to allow us to come together, exchange information, plant our seeds and weave our dreams and visions together into a beautiful flourishing, symbiotic garden. Informed by permaculture principles, we are literally bio-mimicking what we learn from plants!

Embracing Earth's Alchemical Symphony

As we continue our journey, may we do so with a sense of reverence and wonder for the mysteries of creation. By balancing all polarities, and aligning with the laws of nature, we unlock the secrets of manifestation and awaken to our true potential as co-creators of our reality. Let us embrace this sacred dance of existence with open hearts and minds, knowing that in harmony with the Earth, we find our truest selves and live our deepest purpose with passion, harmony & joy.


The Mystical Power of Blue Lotus: A Gateway to Higher Consciousness