The Mystical Power of Blue Lotus: A Gateway to Higher Consciousness

Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) has captivated spiritual seekers and practitioners for millennia with its mystical properties and profound benefits. This sacred flower, revered in ancient Egyptian rituals, symbolizes rebirth, regeneration, and divine connection. Today, its legacy continues to inspire and elevate modern spiritual practices, offering bridges between the ancient, present and future timelines.

The Magic of Blue Lotus

Blue Lotus is celebrated for its ability to enhance meditation, deepen spiritual practices, and stimulate the pineal gland, often referred to as the third eye. The Egyptians used it to heighten spiritual states, expand consciousness, and open to divine connection. Depicted in their art and hieroglyphs, the Blue Lotus was a powerful symbol of spiritual enlightenment and rebirth.

Beyond its historical and symbolic significance, Blue Lotus connects us to the plant kingdom's profound wisdom. This flower, with its ethereal beauty and delicate fragrance, invites us to attune to the subtle energies of nature. It serves as a gentle guide, helping us navigate the inner landscapes of our souls and reminding us of our inherent connection to all living things.

What is a Blue Lotus Spagyric?

A spagyric is a unique alchemical preparation that takes the essence of Blue Lotus and transforms it into a highly potent and pure elixir. This method goes beyond traditional extraction techniques, creating a product that is more powerful and effective than standard tinctures.

Why Choose Spagyric Extraction?


The spagyric process begins with the purification of the plant material, removing impurities to ensure that only the highest quality essence is extracted. The plant's components are then separated into their essential elements—salt, sulfur, and mercury—and recombined in a process that enhances their potency. This method, rooted in hermeticism and ancient alchemical practices, ensures that the final product is pure and powerful.


Modern alchemical techniques such as vacuum distillation and biophotonics are employed to further enhance the efficacy of the Blue Lotus Spagyric. These methods preserve the full spectrum of beneficial properties, making it a superior product to traditional tinctures.

Why Blue Lotus Spagyric is Superior to Tinctures

While tinctures extract the plant's active compounds using alcohol, spagyrics go a step further by incorporating the holistic essence of the plant. This includes not only the physical constituents but also the energetic and spiritual aspects. The result is a more comprehensive and potent elixir that aligns with both the physical and spiritual needs of the user.

Physical and Spiritual Benefits of Blue Lotus Spagyric


  • Nervous System Support: Calms the nervous system, reducing stress and anxiety.

  • Anti-inflammatory Properties: Soothes and heals the body with natural anti-inflammatory effects.

  • Antioxidant Rich: Combats oxidative stress and supports overall health.


  • Enhanced Meditation: Deepens meditation and spiritual practices with psychoactive compounds like apomorphine and nuciferine.

  • Third Eye Activation: Stimulates the pineal gland, enhancing intuition and spiritual insight.

  • Divine Connection: Facilitates rituals and ceremonies, helping users connect more deeply with the divine.

  • Profound Insights: Enhances inner clarity and understanding, leading to transformative personal revelations.

  • Lucid Dreaming: Promotes vivid and meaningful dreams, offering a gateway to the subconscious and higher realms.

Embrace the Sacred Blue Lotus

At Sesen Temple, we are proud to partner with ENKI to offer our favourite Blue Lotus Spagyric, a sacred elixir that supports your spiritual journey and well-being. This potent elixir can enhance your practices and deepen your connection to the divine.

This is Sesen’s preferred Blue Lotus product as the entire product is produced from seed to bottle on the ENKI property in Australia using the finest traditional alchemical processes.

Discover the magic of Blue Lotus and let its sacred energy guide you towards greater harmony, balance, and enlightenment. Visit to learn more and get your own bottle. Use SESENTEMPLE at check out for 10% off your order. Check out the full range of extracts and skincare while you are there - they will make you radiate from the inside out!


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