Embracing the Post-Solstice Energies: A Gateway to Transformation

The recent solstice marked a powerful threshold—a moment of profound transformation and renewal. As we move forward from this pivotal point in the celestial dance, where the sun reached its highest or lowest point in the sky, we carry with us the energies of rebirth and regeneration. At Sesen Temple, we honor this sacred time by attuning to the divine feminine energies and aligning with the astrological influences that continue to shape our journey.

Current Astrological Alignments

Following the solstice, we are graced with the lingering potent energies of several key astrological alignments. The Sun's position in nurturing Cancer emphasizes themes of home, family, and emotional security. Simultaneously, a harmonious trine between Venus in Leo and Neptune in Pisces amplifies our capacity for love, compassion, and spiritual connection. These celestial influences invite us to deepen our inner work, heal old wounds, and embrace the nurturing aspects of our feminine energy.

Embracing the Feminine Energy

The post-solstice period is a time to honor the divine feminine within us all. This energy is nurturing, intuitive, and deeply connected to the cycles of nature. By tuning into this energy, we can foster greater self-awareness, compassion, and a sense of interconnectedness. Here are some ways to connect with and honor the feminine energy during this period:

  • Meditation and Reflection: Set aside time for quiet meditation and reflection. Focus on your heart center, allowing yourself to feel the nurturing and loving energy of the divine feminine. Visualize this energy flowing through you, healing and transforming any areas of your life that need attention.

  • Rituals and Ceremonies: Create a sacred space where you can perform rituals or ceremonies to honor the energies of this time. Light candles, burn incense, and use crystals like rose quartz or moonstone to enhance your connection to the feminine energy.

Botanicals to Work With

Nature offers us a bounty of botanicals that resonate with the post-solstice energies and support our spiritual journey. Here are some key botanicals to incorporate into your practices:

  • Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea): Revered in ancient Egyptian rituals, Blue Lotus enhances meditation, stimulates the pineal gland, and deepens spiritual practices. This sacred flower symbolizes rebirth, regeneration, and divine connection, making it a perfect ally for this period.
    Head to SHOP for our preferred Blue Lotus Tonic.

  • Lavender: Known for its calming and soothing properties, lavender helps to balance emotions and promote a sense of peace. Use lavender in your rituals to create a serene and harmonious environment.

  • Mugwort: Traditionally used to enhance dreams and intuition, mugwort can be a powerful tool for connecting with the deeper aspects of your psyche. Burn mugwort as an incense or use it in a ritual bath to open your third eye and enhance your spiritual vision.

Working with Post-Solstice Energy

The period following the solstice is a time to set intentions, release what no longer serves us, and welcome new beginnings. Here are some practices to help you harness the post-solstice energy:

  • Set Intentions: Write down your intentions for the coming cycle. Focus on what you wish to manifest, nurture, and grow in your life. Place your written intentions on your altar or in a sacred space to charge them with post-solstice energy.

  • Release and Renew: Perform a releasing ritual to let go of any negative patterns, thoughts, or emotions that may be holding you back. Write these down on a piece of paper and safely burn it, symbolizing their release and transformation.

  • Connect with Nature: Spend time outdoors, connecting with the natural world. Whether it's a walk in the forest, a visit to the ocean, or simply sitting in your garden, allow nature to ground and recharge you.

Upcoming Ancient Remembrance Journey in Egypt

As we embrace the transformative energies following the solstice, we are also excited to invite our community to our upcoming Ancient Remembrance Journey in Egypt this November. This sacred pilgrimage will take us to the heart of ancient wisdom, where we will connect with the energies of the Blue Lotus and the divine feminine. Join us as we explore the mystical sites of Egypt, engage in profound ceremonies, and deepen our spiritual practice.

At Sesen Temple, we are committed to guiding you on your journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. In this post-solstice period, may you be blessed with clarity, renewal, and the nurturing embrace of the divine feminine.

With love and light,
Sesen Temple


Exploring the Energetic Portals: 7/7, 8/8, 9/9, 10/10, 11/11, and 12/12


The Mystical Power of Blue Lotus: A Gateway to Higher Consciousness